RoundTable 01: The First One In which our heroes discuss the newly released "Magic: Origins"

RoundTable #1
Picture of recording the first ever CommonGeek Roundtable

The RoundTable crew gets together in the first ever (official) CommonGeek RoundTable to discuss the newly released Magic, The Gathering Set “Origins”. Hilarity ensues, presumably.

Host & Guests

Tom Van Orden, Podcast Director – Twitter

Adam Houck, Managing Editor – Twitter

Kyle Lundquist, Contributing Writer – Twitter

Social Media

CommonGeek on Facebook

CommonGeek on Twitter

CommonGeek on Instagram




Show Notes

RoboRoseWater Twitter account

Magic Origins on Wizards of the Coast’s website


Go Cart Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0

About the author

Tom Van Orden

When Tom Van Orden isn’t directing the CommonGeek RoundTable, he’s peddling hardware at his day job. He is an on again off again student of the English language, as well as a million other pursuits. Talking is something he enjoys, which he supposes is good considering his current position.