RoundTable 17: swatting, YouTube, and bad movies Plus a few words on Battlefront and Jessica Jones
The trio is back together for another look at Jessica Jones, backward compatibility, net neutrality, and YouTube.
The trio is back together for another look at Jessica Jones, backward compatibility, net neutrality, and YouTube.
Tom and Robert are joined by special guest Travis Arment for this spooky spectacular episode! Host & Guests Robert Beiler, Editor-in-Chief – Twitter, Facebook Tom Van Orden, Podcast Director – Twitter Travis Arment – Editor-in-Chief, Live Wire Social Media CommonGeek on Facebook CommonGeek on Twitter CommonGeek on Instagram Affiliates Amazon…
Introduction episode! Podcast Director Tom Van Orden comes to you with Editor-in-Chief Robert Beiler and Senior Reporter Matt Williams. Tom uses this as an opportunity to talk about the life changing capability of smartwatches. Mostly just his though.